[CANCELLED] Losing My Religion MAP

Published 2021-01-26
Thumbnail Contest ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This MAP does have a thumbnail contest! If you enter for thumbnail, include "Losing My Religion" and "Complete MAP" somewhere in the thumbnail. You don't need to ask to enter, just go ahead!

Parts ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
| 12/15 taken | 9/15 done | 3/15 untaken |
1/intro: @Pixel_Pizza DONE
2: @SkeetusTaco DONE
3: @Lemon_Arts DONE
4: @-alloftheabove-
5: @Nadanimations
6: @Love_ok DONE
7: @okirby1fan DONE
9: @Le-Otter-Animates
10: Me! DONE
11: @Wolfmoon400 + @Nyghtmare106 DONE
12: OPEN
13: OPEN
14: @Narnia_Artsie_Foxie DONE
15/credits: Me! DONE

Backups ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
These are the people who take parts if people drop them.

Credits ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Audio: Losing My Religion - REM
Amazing thumbnail: @Pixel_Pizza
MAP Concept: @SupaArtz, @SkeetusTaco, @Pixel_Pizza, and @-Spiritmoon-
Cut audio: @SupaSnugz

Tags ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
#MAP #openmap #losing #my #religion #join #this #art