Ludwig Makes a Friend!

Published 2020-12-28
Mar Krampus to you, @dezland!!!

Well I got sidetracked today. Stuff happened, bedroom got annihilated, found Waldo (long story), all that jazz

So I was your Secret Santa! Was very surprised- pleasantly surprised, though! I've been testing out some big art (as opposed to small art, which takes a year and a half to make), so- uh- didn't try out anything really special with this piece. Is there big-art-dithering? No? Such is life.

Either way!! Ludwig- good kids. Made a friend! Took a soul right out of the underworld and stuffed it into a snowman! Look how happy he is to go from being in the sweet, cold embrace of death to the sweet, cold embrace of snowman! Other editions were: a weird carrot (what is wrong with it), cool stick arms (bendy!, ear, moss (because hairless snowmen are so boring), tricorne (because ooh look something shiny over there! no more questions) and various bits of debris to make eyes and a mouth!

Sorry it's not that much- it's been a wacky-wild time these past couple of weeks. But!! The boys!! Snowtime showtime!!

Ludwig belong to @dezland (would it be belong or belongs? Because there's 2 of them, but the name suggests there's only one oh never mind just slap English)

Music is Deep Energy from Rain World, because when all else fails always return to Bright Primate for good tunes.

And a happy New Year!! Hopef