Study dump ☻

Published 2020-10-15
Compilation of some quick digital studies I’ve done recently. All are drawn off of references, art is by me on PROCREATE also woah 1k+ view
These aren’t the best, I did most of them under 45 minutes or so each, didn’t have the patience to make them all look better xD
1. Photo study
2. Photo study
3. Photo study
4. Nose studies :-)
5. Random strawberry I made xD it’s not great but I tried.
6. Photo study with gradient maps
7. Quick eye sketch with gradient maps
8. Study with color experimentation from a week ago, used glitch effect for fun :)
9. Gradient map of the previous one
10. Fun glitch thing xD
11. Quick study using limited palette
12. Hour study for lighting practice
13. Background study that didn’t turn out well but oh well
14. Older cloud study

TIP - If you want to improve on portraits, or anything really, try getting in the habit of doing studies! You can do one a day, but don’t avoid it :). Even if you don’t want to make realistic art, drawing off photos to practice realism still helps a LOT!
I’ll add more eventually

If u want any links to any of the references used, ask. I used a tutorial for the strawberry
Song by Cosmo Sheldrake, cuckoo song
#art #artdump #realism #artwork #procreate