Adopt me

Published 2020-09-23

No credits except to ROBLOX Adopt me. Here, I will be posting updates.
8/22/20-Adopt me-Roblox is shared!

8/23/20-You can buy a car at the car shop and you can go straight home from there! You can also chat!

8/25/2020-bjscode02, jasper_roblox_gamer, rainbowfish26, and lama_pinkandpowerful became a VIP! And you can get another egg and take care of it to hatch a different (or same) pet! Lastly, the chat can all be seen by everyone! Press "v" to see the VIP list.

8/26/2020-Lizzymull and skybrownsmiley became a VIP and a golden penguin, a golden griffin, and an artic reindeer was added as pets! And you can delete the chat now! (Press the "d" key) You can also ride your car!

8/27/2020-sarahisaturtle and kittenloverbreelear3 became a VIP! Chat bug fixed-the "close" button kept on not appearing.

8/28/2020-Smartbrightgirl became a VIP.

9/2/2020-scratchlogin8 became a VIP.