Kyoto Ref Sheet 3.0

Published 2020-05-16
Soft boi,, yes.

don't takes my art pls :^)

So for the second half of yesterday, and a lot of this morning, I've worked on improving my style! hjsdfhj I tried things like more rounded ears, thicker eyelids, and most importantly, thicker floof uvu

Hope my efforts have payed off! I really like how this turned out <33

Truth is, I've been looking at talented artists both younger and older than me, and thinking "I want to draw better."

I know I had potential in me, but every time I looked at my current style I cringed at things. So I gathered inspiration, and set off drawing xD

It feels like something just clicked in me, and as I was drawing I found more and more ways to make my art better! Then I tried it on kyoto after I made the lineless thing, and it turned out pretty good!