Venus: a Tour of Amazingfulness!

Published 2014-11-30
OHMYPANCAKECURATED???!!! ^u^ Thank you thank you @HEAVENBRAND!!!
This was my astronomy research project for school. I really loved making it, and I spent so many weeks on it! Since I can't really stand up in front of this project and talk to you about Venus like I did with my class at school, I recorded my oral presentation and a sprite will share it with you.
I hope you enjoy this project as much as I enjoyed making it!
>> This project takes more or less 6 minutes to watch
>> All my sources of information are listed in the project.
>> All vector art my me, and the bitmap images of Venus and Earth are from Wikipedia.
>> The beginning music is 'Calm Before the Storm' by @PaulRHJT
If you find any bugs/glitches, please report them to me!

~ bubble103 :)