 iPhone X Simulator v1.0B

Published 2019-11-23
 iPhone X Simulator v1.0B

Disclaimer: The camera cannot take videos or photos because the scratch camera function does not allow that unfortunately. Please do not advertise!

Please let me know if you like it to continue making projects like this one! I hope you enjoy! :D ❤︎

Click and drag up the home bar to begin, and to go home from apps. So far in this project, I have a completed clock app, camera app, notes app, drawing app, stopwatch, music app, and I am still working on the settings and safari app. Suggest apps and music to add in the comments below, and please love favorite and follow to help me create more projects! Most importantly, please enjoy! :D

Things I might add:
News App
Game (Maybe Flappy Bird)

Thanks to @JWhandle for inspiring me to make this when I saw his iPhone simulator.

All Art*: @BirdNani
*All icons made in vector, however some based on Apple copyrighted app designs and logos.
*Apple logo property of Apple, made in vector by me.
All Scripting: @ BirdNani
"Learn to fly" by the Foo Fighters
"Mii Channel Theme" by Nintendo
"Shake Down" by Jules Gaia

~Update Log~
11/22/19 [7:05 PM] ~ Initial release date
11/23/19 ~ Wow over 100 loves in under 20 hours, with an almost 50% loves to views ratio :0
11/23/19 [7:00 PM] ~ Fixed a drawing app glitch, improved graphics slightly in one app.
11/24/19 ~ ❤︎ Thanks for top-loved! :D
11/25/19 ~ Thanks for #4 on trending!
[4:08 PM] ~ #1 Trending!! Thanks so much! :DD
9/15/20 ~ 7k loves!

#Technology #iPhoneX #Apple #OS #iOS #All #Games #Art #Animations #Music #iPhone