Happy Halloween! ^_^

Published 2014-11-01
~Music: Love Is An Open Door (Instrumental Karaoke)
~All photos taken by my little brother in our backyard! :)

Happy Halloweeeen! :D Sorry for being gone all week and getting behind on responding to comments and stuff. I've been super busy with lots of things, my costume being one of them! As you can see, I'm being Anna today! I posted a few pictures of this costume a few projects ago--it's my very first cosplay, and I wore it to my very first Comic Con in September. I did a bit of tweaking and fixed it up for Halloween (I'm still planning on knitting a better pair of mittens, and I have the hat mostly finished, I just need to embroider the back). This costume took me over 200 hours to make (and lots of money >_>;), but it was so worth it! Yes, I'm wearing a wig and colored contacts, and no, I don't actually have freckles. I look nothing like Anna usually. XP But this was a dream costume for me, and I'm so happy I pulled it off! Hope you like the pictures! I went on some adventures today and got lots of goofy photos, so I might post those sometime later.

As an update on the XPrize contest, I did not win, but thank you so much for all the support! I really appreciate it. <3 I'm glad I could make it into the finalists, and I'm still super excited for Big Hero 6! Planning on dressing as Go Go Tomago when I go see it the night it comes out (she looks a lot more like me than Anna does, so it'll be way easier!).

Scratch on! More projects coming soon! :D