FMV using pen - iPod ad

Published 2014-11-03
Q : Can I make my own video?
A : Yes! Check out my other video for instructions
Q : How does it work?
A : The Scratch side of things is actually really simple. All it does is draw 300 triangles for each frame. Generating the coordinates and colours for those 300 triangles is done outside of Scratch in a separate app i made. It looks at each frame of a video and attempts to make the best 300 triangles it can to approximate the original picture. This data is then all packed together into a huge text string to be imported into Scratch.
Q : How long did it take?
A : The Scratch side of things took a couple of hours. The separate app took a couple of hours.
Q : How long does it take to convert a video?
A : This one took a couple of nights even on my monster lap top.

The original iPod ad can be seen here.

Here's another video I've done

The idea for this project was inspired by an old Amiga demo