
Published 2019-07-14
Like my Ghidorah design, this Mothra was based on her KoTM incarnation; she has the mantis-like forelimbs or "arms" and has "legs".

Divinus papilio

Length: 50 meters / 164 ft
Weight: 900 tons / 1,800,000 lbs

Length: 40 meters / 131 ft
Wingspan: 245 meters / 804 ft
Weight: 1,800 tons / 3,600,000 lbs
Faction: Earth Defender
Category: 1

Diet: Herbivore, feeds on nectar

- Rainbow lasers from antennae
- Venomous stinger
- Flight at Mach 2
- Poisonous glands in skin in larvae to protect them from being eaten
- Is attracted to light; some light sources like Godzilla's or sometimes Dracojira's glowing dorsal plates can lure her from one place to another (some insects such as moths have an instinct known as transverse orientation)
- Can shoot silk from her mouth, same applies to larvae to keep predators or her foes in place for a period of time
- Asexual reproduction; lays eggs which eventually hatch into larvae, rarely twins hatch from the eggs
- Being a divine entity, she can resurrect herself at will when defeated

Credit to Toho and Legendary
I don't own anything except for the vector in this project