I can't think of a creative title...

Published 2014-05-01
Just as general information, YES, I really do draw everything I post on here. I know my art isn't always super consistent, but that's largely because I'm still trying to figure out digital drawing, and I like to explore new techniques and styles. There is absolutely no reason that I would ever steal someone else's art. So, yeah. ^_^ Keep reading for descriptions, etc.

#1: Reeeaaallly old Legend of Korra fan art. I still have no idea how to do backgrounds. -_-

#2: A drawing I did today inspired by a photo of this guy with cool dreadlocks. This is not the full picture, but I cropped it down because I'm kinda possessive of my nicer art.

#3: This one was also cropped down because I was super pleased with it, and as I just said, I'm kinda possessive of my nicer art. It's Tiana from Princess and the Frog, if that wasn't clear already. :)

#4: Just a quick thing I threw together to show the process I went through for #5.

#5: Yaaay, another one of my nameless characters...she's like sixteen-ish but dresses like a little girl. She also happens to be an extremely powerful superhero (yeah, she's from an entirely different story than the airship one or any of the others I've mentioned). Name suggestions are welcomed! :D

That's it for now. I really do keep meaning to post a bigger/nicer project. It'll happen one of these days, I'm sure. As always, feel free to tell me what you'd like to see from me next! Tutorials, sketch processes, more art dumps...let me know!