Geometry Dash Wave v1.1.4

Published 2023-06-28
Check out some of my other projects too, I worked hard on some of those!

Some of the art I got off google, and same with the music. The death sound effect I got from @griffpach and his amazing geometry dash, which is probably the most viewed thing on scratch. There's like a 50% chance that you haven't checked him out yet. If you somehow haven't, do so, you won't regret it! Also, I got inspiration from @annoyingtroller and his "bloodbath challenge wave." Also got some more inspiration from @IXPLODE and his "Geometry Dash Wave." You should check him out as well, he's a really good coder from the looks of it! Thanks! Don't forget to like and favorite!!!
^^ That's beta: v0.9!
Added 4 more waves! They look nice~~now there are 10
4/24/19 Update! v0.9.2
I nerfed the obstacle where there are two options: Up or down. This should make the game a lot easier! I also changed the UI slightly.
5/16/19 ~ 3000 Views! I'm so happy! This is a serous milestone, I think, and this project is huge! (at least compared to my others)
Okay it's been a bit and I'd say the views went up a bit :0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v1.0
3/30/21 ~ Some major changes, probably the biggest update for a while, or all time; Added a death screen and made the obstacles change colors. The update that I'm most proud of: fixed the wave trail! Now it's smooth and moves at the same speed at the obstacles (it was subtle but it got on my nerves lol) I'm working on a way to restart without clicking the flag again, stay tuned! Remember to leave a star and a heart, and a follow of course! Oh, and also check out my other projects, I make even *more* stupid stuff, if you can believe it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v1.0.1
Same day as above ^ (Just later) I added another difficulty! For everyone who is really good at GD (Unlike me) I gave them a bit of a challenge >:) I haven't added many levels, but they'll be many more coming soon. I'm really happy I've come back to this project, it's looking much better already!
I'm working on adding achievements, unlockables, customization, a shop and more! It might not happen though, as I've got a lot of stuff to do in general outside of scratch, sorry :(
I forgot to include this, but I also added a restart screen at some point, plus a menu screen. Also added the music changer and I changed the appearances of the obstacles. Adding that up we're currently at v1.1.2
Comment your high scores in the comment section below!

25k Views! Big achievement! Thanks for all the support y'all :3 Let's aim for 30k! :D

that goal for 30k is just around the corner: we're at 29 thousand 500! :D
Another thing; I'm working on editing the hitboxes for the waves as some people (including me) were asking for. (Plus a settings menu...?) Some stuff may not be working for a lil while I make the changes, I'll try to keep the bugs to a minimum :)
I also added a version thingy in the title that way the project looks more professional lmao. but wait a minute isn't that classified as an update...? Time to work on the hitboxes!
Small mistake with the realistic wave turning, but its patched up thanks to @steuerflite7 and @RedFireGD. Another thing to add, the hitbox problem is a lot harder to fix than I originally thought :( I'll try my best to make it happen though! Update: Literally less than five minutes later I realized how to do it ;-; I'll implement it in a second.
Official v1.1.3: Smooth turning + hitbox!
200 Stars!! :O
v1.1.4: First edit in a million years, made the easy mode easier and hard mode harder. Enjoy :)
P.S. Sorry for not being active, school's been giving me a lot of trouble, plus finals aren't helping :P Not sure if I'll be active at all really, but I'll be sure to drop by every so often! Thanks for everything :)