Ubuntu 1.3.2

Published 2017-04-17
I worked over 98 hours on this and I would be more than happy if you suggest it to be featured. If you will suggest it here:
It is only called Ubuntu 1.3.2 because it isn't good enough to be Ubuntu 2 xD.

Hey, here is a joke to cheer you up, a plane crashed on the border of Canada and America. Where are the survivors buried?

Version 0.9.3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/155470425/
Version 1.3.2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/155720361/
Version 2.9.3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/155839589/1/

Ubuntu Pen Platformer1 (5th App): @AtomicBawm3
Ubuntu Base: @-Ubuntu-
Ubuntu Mouse Trail: @-Ubuntu-
Libre Office: @-Ubuntu-
Music: @-Ubuntu-
Thumbnail: @-Ubuntu-
Ubuntu Pen Platformer2 (9th App): @Noroz
Settings: @-Ubuntu-
Terminal: @-Ubuntu-
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