[TAG III] Some Random Winter Animation with No Plot XDR

Published 2017-01-17
Finally an animation for 2k17 xdddddd

Not my best entry, but that will do for now. What have I done to deserve this. :'((((((

Anyway, it was alternatively going to be long, but see in the end. Basically, I've being pushed into boundaries, I'm in this point when I give up. I have school homework to be finished (but all are done for now), two camps to participate and judge in my secret account and I've been losing motivation all day. So what have I been doing? Thinking about what the animation will happen whilst playing AQWorlds (3D).



Anyway, I just hope that the next round won't be that hard, because school is getting hard and it's not that easy, especially in Wednesday-Friday. Thanks for understanding, especially for @SonicCsM. <3

In other news, you might heard that a new MAP is coming: Rearrange by Biffy Clyso. It's a lovely song which made me repeat it a lot. The set date is TBA but I can highly recommend that it will be released this or next week depending on how many more things I have to do.

Since my 'LTL MAP: Riptide' is now famous, there are more parts (meaning more delay yay(!)) so for those newcomers who came after it got featured, if you want the part, be quick. Also, I'm not going to reserve anymore. Sorry! :( If you get the part, you got a month, so you better do it as soon as possible! Last time was just disaster and I don't want that to happen, otherwise it will take longer for the next MAP to be released. To speed (and possibly slow down) process, the rules will be stricter next time, but that doesn't mean I'm no longer accepting anyone, since I'm kind it's still going to be 'first come, first serve'.

Also, this is my new OC based on Roblox, his name will TBA. >ok

100% Scratch

@Chezburgr, @Pickledorf & @SonicCsM - Every TAG ever.
@__Pix3l__ - Overall inspiration and audio.
@BullRusterXxl15, @-BluHead- & @ziadmario54321 - Partial inspiration.
@VGB_the_orange_Yoshi - The sprite of something.

Frozen - Let it Go [ProZD covered this, not Goofy]
Dubstep Name Which I Don't Know
Overused Matrix Theme
Outro Music: Waterflame - Time Machine

This was postponed from late-December. I decided to continue it when TAG III came out, but due to loss of motivation, I lost it for a week. This was inspired by the one and only overrated song which I shall not say again. xD