= Cupcake Bakery =

Published 2017-03-27
Welcome to the cupcake bakery, where you can make all the cupcakes you desire. Please use the cookbook in the corner for your recipe, and please follow the instructions in order for best results.

***Go into fullscreen please, because some of the animations and coding don't work otherwise.***

Yay! Curated by @_Elektron_ on 3/26/17!

Oh yeah and I'm terrible at spelling so there's some mistakes in there


Credits -

All art - @CrYstALizED- (Aka me)
Recipes - Lol i have no idea, somewhere online
Idea - Me, inspired by all of the bakery type games out there, and partially by @Inkii's cake mixing animation
All coding - @CrYstALizED- (me again xD)
Music - Sentimento by Vexento (I think? I stole it from one of @Rosyda's projects so idk xD)
Oreo bits were suggested by @maddygirl3333


Copied Recipes + Instructions (If the cookbook doesn't work properly, click the green flag to restart and use the recipes down below)

~Recipes -

Vanilla Cupcakes Recipe

2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup softened butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit
Line muffin cups with papers
Divide batter evenly among pans
Bake for 18 minutes

Frosting Recipe

3 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup softened butter
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 tablespoons milk

Put powdered sugar, butter, vanilla and
milk into bowl and stir
Use electric mixer to beat ingredients

DIRECTIONS (I mean, some of it isn't that obvious)

~First Part
- Drag the specified measuring cup to an ingredient
- Drag the measuring cup to the bowl
- Repeat in order until you get to the last ingredient on the list

~Second Part
- Click the cupcake liner thingie

~ Third Part
- Click the baking pan

~ Fourth Part
- Drag the specified measuring cup to the ingredient
- Drag the measuring cup to the mixer
- Repeat until you reach the end of the ingredients list
- Click the pan with the ingredients in it to make the mixer appear

~Fifth Part
- Drag a food coloring color to the bowl to color the frosting
* You can only make red, orange, yellow, 2 shades of green, 3 shades of blue, 2 shades of purple, pink, grey and black
- Click done when you picked the color you want

~Sixth Part
- Decorate the cupcakes (Click the sprinkles to change color)
- Click done when you're done


This game was really fun to make, as it is a combination of art and coding, both of which I want to work on. It's kind of funny because I made this even though I have no idea how to actually bake cupcakes... Please give any suggestions for updates in the comments! Oh, and if you want me to add any decorations, you can comment them and i'll see if I can add them (you'll also be credited for the idea if I add it)! I hope you enjoy your stay at Crystal's Cupcake Bakery! //peace out
