☾ lunaPod - listen to and rate my music! ☽

Published 2016-09-12
- The lunaPod's design was heavily inspired by that of Apple's iPod.
- I coded everything in this project and made the sprites as well!
- I composed ALL of the songs listed on Noteflight. The only one of these that I myself did not write was Fiery Glance; it was on a NDS game called "Rockin' Pretty". It's relatively obscure -- I have been unable find any videos featuring "Fiery Glance" on YouTube. Thus, I had to recompose the song entirely by ear AND memory, so I couldn't cheat using MIDIs!
- The rating feature was implemented so that I could see how much people like my work and improve upon it!
- Jester's Theme and Somethin' Jazzy are both unfinished! Please bear with me as I update them on an irregular basis.
- Fiery Glance was edited on GarageBand using the Steinway Grand Piano/Pop Organ/SoCal soundfonts because Noteflight's soundfonts are kinda ugly.
- "Onward to Adventure!" and "Whimsical Waltz" were written between March and August 2015; "Fiery Glance", "Jester's Theme", and "Somethin' Jazzy" were written in/around January-April 2016; and "The Barbershop Song" was written in August 2016.

Now for a description of each song:
- Jester's Theme: Jester's Theme is song detailing a depressed court jester who is lapsing into insanity, hence its name. It is comprised of three "acts" (A Jester's Lament (Beneath a Mask), The Courtroom, and Submission), only one of which I have put up the resolve to write over the course of seven months. It ties in a bit to "Onward to Adventure!".

- Whimsical Waltz: This song was initially written for Pokémon Azure and Crimson, which were cancelled by me after Pokémon Sun and Moon were revealed. It sounds very different from how I'd wanted it to, but it still came out better than expected. It's currently my most-viewed song on Noteflight. I wrote it when in the mood to experiment with 6/8.

- Onward to Adventure!: I wrote this fanfare for an eighth grade music project and skipped out on lots of homework and sleep to do so. I ended up getting a 100 and a ton of praise from my class upon presenting it. It -- at least in my head -- is a part of a sequence of songs detailing someone's journey and their discoveries during that journey (whether material or emotional), but I'm not sure that I'll ever end up writing them (other than Jester's Theme).

- Fiery Glance: I'm pretty darn sure that -- if you've read the rest of this section -- this song is self-explanatory. It was actually extremely fun albeit a pain to write; it was the first song I've ever completely composed by ear without consistently using a reference. It's from a rhythm game called Rockin' Pretty -- a relatively obscure (yet impressive) anime-ish version of Rock Band loaded with catchy original songs. I love that game and its music so much. You should invest your time in finding a copy if it floats your boat!

- The Barbershop Song: My sisters and I are writing a story in which four middle-school boys (Paul Hartman, Tom DeLuca, Ethan Lester, and Griffin Cassidy) meet each other in a barbershop before the start of a new school year. The three connect through their shared love of singing, video game music, and goofing around. They end up making up this song when Paul's dad, George Hartman, is obnoxiously seeking out potential romantic partners in the shop's waiting room in order to divert everyone's attention from him. I have no idea why I made the main instruments banjos, though. Here are the lyrics:
Paul (tenor): We're in a barbershop and it looks like everyone's bored / So let us sing a song so that they'll stop staring at George / Don't need to rhyme to sound good / in time, we'll feel good / because singing is fun / So let's sing our awesome barbershop song!
Ethan (alto): We're in a barbershop and it looks like everyone's bored / So let us sing a song so that they'll stop staring at (Paul, you suck at rhyming) / I like rhyming because of timing / but yours just ruins the fun / Actually, that rhyme worked pretty darn well.
Tom (baritone) and Griffin (tenor): (harmony)

- Somethin' Jazzy: I absolutely love jazz music. This song came to me when I was taking a shower and I felt totally at peace -- odd, right? There ends up being a really awesome trumpet solo later on, but of course, I haven't yet written it. I actually feel reluctant to because I don't want the vision for it that's already been cemented into my brain for months to have to change. At the same time, I want to let others hear and enjoy it. Sigh...

Thank you for your time!
~ Lunastar-