Interactive Weather Map v1.2.6

Published 2016-06-17
FEATURED?!? Thanks everyone!!!
➤ Found a bug? Read the instructions first please. :)
➤ Shoutout to @Roaralio for being one of my Scratch friends. :3
➤ DON'T ADVERTISE PLEASE. I will delete those comments.
➤ For anyone who wants to know how I made the Windows 95 error messages, go to

- - - C h a n g e l o g - - -
v1.2.6 - Fixed mountains.
v1.2.5 - Fixed settlement bug, but had to make it pen again instead of a clone, added error message if the clone limit of 300 is reached.
v1.2.4 - Towns and mountains are now clones instead of pen.
v1.2.3 - Fixed the glitch with the town name text.
v1.2.2 - Added tornadoes, hurricanes, and mountains!
v1.2.1 - Today's first update, added tornadoes & hurricanes buttons (don't work at the moment) added icon above mouse.
v1.1 - Updated text a little
v1.0 - Initial release

- - - C r e d i t s - - -
Text engine - @griffpatch_tutor
Custom errors -
All script and art besides that was me.