Go, Muscles, Go!

Published 2013-07-10
All graphics created by myself, except for this neuron image: http://springvisualculture1b.blogspot.com/2010/04/neuron-psychologist.html

Some background for the "Synapse Activity:"
The seven steps of a muscle fiber contraction:
1. Electrical signal is sent from spinal cord to muscle via motor neuron.
2. Calcium channels open and calcium enters the axon terminal.
3. This causes the release of acetyl choline (Ach)
4. Ach binds to Ach receptors
5. The Ach recepters open their gates
6. Sodium (Na+) flows in, potassium (K+) flows out. More K+ leaves than Na+ enters, causing the muscle fiber to be negatively charged.
7. An action potential flows across the muscle fiber, causing contraction.