I'm going back to school.

Published 2024-09-01
I'm going back to school.

That means that I will generally not be available to make projects, check the latest news of the YKWICS, play Appel levels, etc.

Anyway I'll check Scratch every day and reply to those comments that deserve to be replied (so obviously not a message where you say the time you got by playing randomly one of my custom levels).

If you want to show me something you're working on or something special in general, don't hesitate to message me on my profile.

During the next holidays (which will be at the end of October) I will try to publish something and try to catch up with the Ykw-Appel-related news.

In the meantime I wish you all a good time and see you next time (ik this sentence sounds really bad).

Bye! :))