Published 2023-06-12

Do you love WarioWare? And do you love PICO-8? What we if we combine them into one game that you can play in your browser, right now?

Over 50+ developers made 68 microgames during the 24 hour PICOWARE gamejam starting on July 27th 2019, with the intention of combining them together into one bigger game, called PICOWARE!

It's there! Up above! This is the game! The game all the cool kids play! Don't you want to join them? Do you want to stick out? Of course not!

Fancy a fancy link? Here!

Use Twitter? Here's the official tweet-tweet!

Use PICO-8? I— I hope you do. Just say the magic word:
load #picoware

Want to play offline? Download all the carts below:

then load the main cart as you normally would:
load picoware-20.p8.png

Here are all creators of the PICOWARE minigames, in no particular order:

…and the people without whom making the final game wouldn't be possible:

Notice any bugs? Your Jelpi's not working! Help us make PICOWARE the best it can be and post feedback using any method you want!