Burn versus Freeze

Published 2012-07-01

Hi! This is our humble entry for the seventh Newgrounds Game Jam. We formed a team after the Jam started. In this game, you play as the King of the Fire Kingdom and must resist the Ice invasion.

For more information related to the Game Jam (such as our Core Mechanics Diagram), please click on the Game Jam icon on the menu screen in-game. Enjoy!

Here's another version of the instructions which looks at the game from a different perspecitve if the one in-game was not clear enough.:

The objective of the game is to use fire units to destroy all ice units on the screen. Fire and ice units take turn to move.

Every turn, the unit will grow in strength. The strength is shown by the number on the unit. The increase depends on the material of the square which the unit is on. Fire increases three on wood, two on bricks and one on stone; ice increases three on stone, two on bricks and one on wood.

To move a unit, you need to choose a neighbouring square. To stay, simply click on the current square or the skip button below. If you move to a square with a hostile unit, the one with greater strength will remain on the square. However, its strength will decrease by the strength of the defeated unit. If you move to a square with a friendly unit, the two units will combine to form a unit whose strength is the sum of the two original units.

Controls: Mouse only

PS Our team doesn't have a musician, so AP music was used.

1/7 20.45 NGT: OK, level buttons have been fixed. I hope it gets updated soon! - FC