Best Friends Forever 3

Published 2010-03-05

Well, after working on it for a few months it's done. We weren't very happy with how the last two games turned out, and we thought we could do better, so we decided to make one final Best Friends Forever.

We tried to stuff a few new things into this game. The engine is rewritten entirely, bugs are at a minimum and if any bugs do pop up I'll fix them asap. There are unlocks to provide some kind of re-playability as well as a few new concepts not seen in the past games. We cut a few unnecessary things out and tried to make the game simpler, yet more fun overall. Just play it and tell us if we failed or not.

Also a song I used in the game was in the audio portal when I found it, but now it's not there anymore and I don't know what to do.

It was called lavaclock, ID number was 299075, if that means anything.