Wiggi Dance Academy

Published 2007-08-09

Arrow Keys: Up, Down, Left and Right dance moves
Space Bar: Jump dance move

For optimum play, try not to have too many windows open, and if you're using the AOL Browser, it's best to watch this using another browser like Firefox or Internet Explorer. Otherwise the sound may lag at some points throwing you off.

This is my entry to the WiggiWorld Arcade competition. While it's targeted at kids, it also has challenge so that the mainstream NG audience will enjoy it too.
Inspired by the game, Space Channel 5, the aim of the game is to listen closely to your instructor's dance moves, and then repeat them in time to the music when it's your turn, using the Arrow Keys and the Space Bar. PLEASE WATCH THE TUTORIAL BEFORE YOU PLAY!

Much <3 to Kylee (SonicRocksMySocks) for providing swell voiceovers.
Hope you enjoy!