
Publicado 2006-01-22

My newest game: "Mr.Danger!"
Based on the PLDM Jack Russell engine.

[ Highscore cheaters will be deleted + banned ]

[ You need Flash Player 8 to play this game, if you don't have 8, you can't play ]

Because many people liked Jack Russell so much I decided to make a game heavily based on the Jack Russell engine. This time, no jack russell anymore, instead, I made a much tougher character: Mr.Danger! You control Mr.Danger like you did in the jack russell, but now you can also move platforms! You move the yellow platform(s) using your arrow keys. You can't move anything else.

The instructions on how the game functions are in the game. Please actually read the instructions otherwise you won't get it.

Special thanks:
Syko227 for PLDMBot
Dad for the moving platform idea