
Published 2022-08-15

Another animation made for the university.

The aim of the course was to analyze the work of two artists. The ones I had chosen managed to provide emotions with only the hands.

The animation was supposed to be done in rotoscoping, but due to technical issues, I had to draw everything by hand (need to say, since I animate hands ? Ha ha).

The audio was also totally done by me for this animation... Even if in many of my animations I tend to do the sound effects as well, I wanted it to be done in its entirety in this video.

At the time of the production of the animation, I fell into depression following the end of the relationship that I had with my ex girlfriend at the end of last year, and following which things got worse after that. I didn't dare to talk about this detail during the oral, I imagine it was too personal for a school project.

Maybe because I had problems in this relationship, things that I didn't dare and still don't dare to talk about, and yet I always wanted to try to maintain that relation. I think love makes you pretty blind to some things and ultimately some things weren't normal so it's not that bad. So I didn't really want to have to explain the abuse I suffered in front of a class of 15 people.

Today, the energy is still not present. But rather than stay like a larva for several months like I did, I try to get up and live with this depression while forcing myself as much as possible to continue doing what I loved to do: Drawing, and make animation.

And I will continue to do so.

I don't remember the grade I got, but the teacher (who is not the same teacher who graded "Behind the Room", one of my other animations) brought me back and seems to really like the work I do in general. It must have been between 14 and 16, which is a huge grade in our university.

Afterwards, I know that he is a teacher who generally gives very good marks, so I hope I have at least managed to bring out the emotions through the hands that I animated.