The world is my dance-floor [Never-Ending Dance Jam]

Published 2021-08-24

When you are stuck in a room with a godess that likes to go full inception on you.

A submission for the Summer Animation Jams Round 4 (I didn't know it was a thing until two days ago, so I couldn't participate in the other rounds). I know I'm not going to win (because I have no points at all), so I just decided to do it just for fun, so enjoy an animation I did in 2 days.

Music: Plug and Play by ConnorGrail & milkypossum.

Yes, this is basically a copy of an animation my sister showed me on Newgrounds, but I started the jam late (two days before the deadline), so I had no time for new ideas. Also I really wanted to try making something like it anyways, it really is fun.