Zmorg Inception (pilot episode)

Published 2021-07-23

I decided to join the Saturday Morning Newgrounds with a character whom I wanted to give his own show for longer and I decided this was the time. Here is the pilot episode of Zmorg. Zmorg was born as one of my first character designs and I decided to build a lore around him and refine his design further. This show or the series which I have in mind for him is inspired by Invader Zim, which one can probably see in the way how this combines humor with tension and action of an alien which visits earth.

I started on this on the 8th of July and finished it today, which on some days was a pain in the ass as I worked literally the whole day on it for several days the past week to get it finished for the deadline. There are still some things which I haven't been able to entirely fix, but at some point you need to be satisfied with it.

Zmorg is an alien who has come to earth for a mission with his partner Larpux, but it becomes quite obvious that the two aren't really fond of each other.

A special thanks to @hpargnonohp for his help with the production and of course also thanks to @xZiriusX and @jinz for their awesome contributions of the soundtrack and @stanpai for his voice acting.

More episodes for Zmorg are planned, I also created a Patreon on which I want to also give insight into some of the behind the scenes of the pilot and future episodes after I got some rest of the hard work of this.

Attribution for sound effects:

"Bamboo Swing, C8.wav" by InspectorJ ( of

Wt Pilota Botant.wav by CraterZounds

Small dog barking by alec_havinmaa

Boom Vocoded by PearceL

Squeeky Ball Toy by AGFX

Metal hit with metal bar resonance by JorickHoofd

Plastic fx by jammaj

Body falling to floor 6 by JakLocke

Ping by DrMrSir

Headset battery low by Omar Alvarado

Appliance Microwave Button Beep by DWOBoyle

footsteps on pavement by arnaud coutancier

footsteps fast on pavement by sinatra314

Texture of metal by sonidotv

19 Metal Falling by juanlopz08

suonho_ScaryScape_01 by Suonho

Button Click 1 by Mellau