
Published 2020-02-03

SwingShot is now avaliable on the google play store! Check it out here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SominStudios.SwingShot

Spin around and try and hit the zombies to the best of your abilities! To help with aiming you can temporarily slow down time, making it easier to hit the enemies!

Feedback poll is now closed since i don't update this game anymore

Controls : (They are also explained in-game)

S or Left Mouse - Shoot

C or Right Mouse - Slow Motion

Space - Use Power

This game is a further developped version of the first SwingShot which you can find here: https://sominstudios.itch.io/swingshot

Full Credits For All The Music, Sound Effects And People Who Gave Feedback: http://bit.ly/SwingshotCredits