8-bit Theater 1

Published 2002-12-12

Before you view this movie:

Please do not spam me. Please do not flame me. Please do not make threats on my life. PLEASE KNOW THAT THIS MOVIE HAS THE ENDORSEMENT OF 8-BIT THEATHER'S CREATOR.

A LOT of people put hard work into this. I want to thank Maridia for putting up with me, AntonioPizza for pushing me, and Viper for being the middleman. Thanks to all the voice actors as well- Cotmm-68030, Rhyos, and even Compyfox.

This is a comic originally scripted by Brian Clevinger and I want to thank him for giving me permission to do this. Please! Visit his site at www.nuklearpower.com. He is the original author of what you see. I'll mention it again- Brian gave me permission, Brian am good man, Me likey Brian. Please, no more death threats. I'm sorry if you got the impression that I wasn't given permission to do this- I was. Sword Chucks Yo.

Oh, and if any of you are in a giving mood (tis the season), then click the paypal link in the movie to make a donation. Please no more than a dollar or two though. We're monsters but we're not monsters about it (8-bit ep 11).

Thanks for the donations guys:

L. Battistini

J. Sowers

A. Setlak (where's my cruise?)

J. Henley

D. Vlaikidis

R. Bowers

For more information on the voice of Black Mage, visit http://remix.overclocked.org/detailremixer.php?mixerid=5