The War of 1812: America the Underdog - War of 1812 part.1: Constitution vs Guerriere

Published 2019-01-17

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The war of 1812 was one of the most pivotal conflicts in American history. In it, the fledgling American nation held their own against the worlds mightiest empire. The reason for the war impressment had been an issue of contention between the two nations for some time. Impressment was the forceful conscription of American sailors into the British navy. Britain chose to do this due to their dire need for sailors in the extremely harsh British Navy.

Britain had been fighting for some time with Napoleon, and it was not going well for the British empire. To the British desperate times called for desperate actions, hence the impressment of foreign sailors into the navy.

One of the most pivotal battles of the war was the battle between the USS Constitution and the HMS Guerriere. In this battle, the pocket battleship, the USS Constitution fought and defeated the HMS Guerrier, in a total upset.

'1812: The navy's war' - George C. Daughan

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I'm Imperial Scribe, I make animations about military and naval history as well as war theory. I put out 1-2 major battle videos per month with a number of shorter videos in between.

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Information is derived from a number of historical sources including websites, historians, and literature. The fog of history is a real thing, even relatively recent events often have sources in disagreement or relying on one another. When possible information is derived from first-hand sources and where not possible information is found by taking multiple second-hand sources. It is not possible for anyone to guarantee perfect historical accuracy, but I do my absolute best to ensure that all information in my videos is well sourced and backed up by historical sources and evidence.