Published 2018-06-27

List of people who rendered the project: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/962c9fda4c9ce883b6af33820f37c209

Made with Blender, with pixel art made in Aseprite.
Rendered using SheepIt: https://www.sheepit-renderfarm.com

I pretty much only worked on this the past week or so, but I think it turned out alright!

This came about from a memory I had as a child, probably my earliest memory. I remember it was late at night and I was watching TV. Suddenly I swear to god the shit from the TV was coming out and was gonna attack me or some shit. I just recently learned that I was watching the show "Oobi". For some reason that show traumatized me.

also oops, on this first day I accidentally had the animation at 30FPS, rather than 24FPS, in case you happen to be watching again and it seems somewhat different