Untangle Deluxe

Published 2009-09-11

Hi NG!
[EDIT: Thanks everyone, you are way to kind, my first green ever!]
[EDIT II: Ehh, blue, you made my day. Thanks again!]

Thought I would share my latest game. The game is a rewrite of my old game Untangle 1.2. There is however quite a lot of changes. Let me see if I can list them all..

1: Updated gameplay with several new game elements and challenges.
2: The game now have a challenge mode such that levels can be played several times.
3: In game achievements.
4: Simple story line (Feedback on this would be great)
5: Graphical update (OMG it's pretty)
6: Performance improvements
7: Better sounds and music
8: Fullscreen button (Does that work here?)
9: All the things I forgot

Hope you like it! I made as much, as I could, of the game public for everybody.

[Edit - Time for some strategy]
My personal way of solving the levels are:

1: Drag one peg to the corner of the playing field
2: Then drag the pegs connected to the original peg such that no lines to the original peg overlaps.
3: Repeat step 2 for the pegs we just moved until the level is solved.
4: If the level have slots, solve untangle the lines first. Then try to fit them into slots.
5: In level with locked pegs you want to choose one of the locked pecks as your starting position.

I am rather success full with the above strategy but I might be to experienced with the gameplay to really be the best to outline strategy. Anybody else care to try?

Last but not least, I am considering making an extended version of the game with a level editor such that you can make challenges for each other. Would you like something like this?
