Tails: UCW Intro

Published 2009-05-07

This is the intro I cooked up for my series in progress, "Tails: Unlimited Chaos". As some people are guessing right now, it's loosely based on Fate Stay/Night's "Unlimited Blade Works" storyline, where (Blaze is Saber and Tails is Shirou). This plot has been pieced together from precedents set in Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Unleashed, and Sonic Rush, (The Sonic first released on the 360 messes with time, so I don't even know what the hell to make of it. Did it even happen? I'm not sure. Let's assume it didn't.) I'm making this series more plot driven, with heavy focus on characterization and less on mindless fighting. (There's still mindless fighting, rest assured.) I'm also a fairly decent writer, I like to think, so expect the dialogue to be a bit less, ah, contrived than the usual sprite fan fiction. ("i will destory you and take the emreld!" "no you wont my power is over 9000 GAAAAH" *beam takes up entire screen*)

There are actually 2 reasons I'm even making this: 1) Saber is ridiculously awesome, and so is Sonic. (Well, he used to be. I'm trying, okay?) and 2) Alvin Earthworm killed Tails without even giving him dialogue. Not cool. Oh, and I won't be making this a crossover. No Mario, Samus, Link, Kirby, or Megaman. Ah, one last thing, I compulsively check reviews, so please be constructive in your criticism! Any links to character/effect sprite sheets would also be appreciated. (Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to find Blaze sheets? No, you don't.)

So, enjoy my first work in the Tails: UC series, episode one is already underway!