SF Series pt. 3 Trailer

Published 2008-02-17

EDIT: Urien and Gill are clickable you can choose who will win in the upcoming movie here is also the survey question web address just in case you want to vote more: http://www.surveymonkey.c om/s.aspx?sm=EFuOzQWUD0Ew 8GrHZWjJJw_3d_3d

This is my trailer for my upcoming movie Street Fighter Series pt. 3, I think the trailer is pretty good, Street Fighter Series pt. 3 will be a first for me in a lot of ways the biggest is interactive, at the end of the trailer is a one question survey, all you have to do is click on Urien or Gill they will directed you to the survey site.

Thanks and enjoy!

P.S. Watch my other movies they're pretty good!