Two-Hour Time Trial III

Publicado 2007-10-28

Hello Newgrounders, It's me Rudy bringing you another Two-Hour Time Trial.

Unfortunately, this is the third and concluding time trial, I'll be releasing/and(or) hosting on The reason being I don't want the idea to get old and worn out fast, so I might as well end it in a nice Holiday edition.,
The speculations of this collab are simple. A few artists are given a TWO-HOUR time limit to complete an animation based on the them given. Today was the theme of "Halloween." And this was the outcome. So enjoy!

Happy Halloween!
People who took part in the collab:
(rudy, 7isunlucky, bomberbob12, ElninoNM, GoatMan, edit-undo, Hornby, Jdid112, NicholasDeary, Slickproductions, PicoZX, souled, SuperAwesomeness, SweetSkater, and weebsl.)