Mouse Evader

Published 2007-05-15

Edit Jan. 26, 2008 ----> I beat the game without cheating for the first time. The fact that the creator of a game cannot beat it until a year later is a true testament to its difficulty. But also, I don't play this everyday or anything like that. I wonder if anyone else has beaten it without cheating. That means no: Right click then click at the end, no tab+ENTER, no click and hold then move, no taking advantage of the lag on some levels(planets level specifically), no right click +FORWARD or BACKWARD, or anything else someone has found (but I think thats it).

Many hours have gone into this. We both worked very hard on this game, and we hope our work has paid off. This mouse avoider game feels entirely different from all others. It features 15 distinct levels, some of which may require some thinking to complete. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You CAN cheat. Because of the difficulty of the later levels, we thought it was essential to keep the cheat function in case you get extremely stuck (However, Level 12 is cheatproof (at least we think so)). Another thing to keep in mind, the low quality level really doesn't look too good, so only use it if you have a very slow computer.

And also, one last thanks to Kart-Man who helped with some action script troubles.