Armor Games Avalanche

Published 2007-02-10

[BUG REPORT : Click Read More First]
Remember Armor Games Snowball? Oh yeah. Now, in Avalanche, you can roll your snowball in competitions, with background music! Be sure to avoid that AVALANCHE! This version comes with an avatarcoder too, so you can submit your highscore together with your name and avatar!

There is a season mode where you can win championships, a campaign mode to brush up on your snowballing, a remroll upgrader to upgrade to a more controllable snowball and a classic mode to beat the records.

--Bug Report?--
Yes, there is a bug. Sometimes the snowball might keep rolling until it gets superbig. I only encountered the bug once and then never again, so I thought I fixed it, I never really knew whether it was fixed and I never really know what's wrong, let alone fix it. So now I know the bug is still there, just that it would happen at a probability of 1/100000. So if you lucky number 100000, don't worry, just right click outside the game and reload the page. The game data should not be erased. But I'd like to fix it though. If anyone has any idea, email me!

---Remroll bug---
(It's more like an easy cheat, so I'll leave that)

Thanks everyone. Anything, email me:
[email protected]

Stay cool, like you've always been.

~Josh Tamugaia