Busker Branford

Publicado 2006-12-27

Hi there. Here's a mediocre adventure about a mediocre man named Busker Branford.

If you like to sing along to songs, there's one at the end and the lyrics are as follows:

You gotta dig deep down in those pockets of yours,
Whether you've got cash or none - you're poors,
And the coins you grib-grab better be gold,
Silver? What? you've already been told,
That he works hard at what you see him doing there,
Better than d-d-d-dancing bears,
So raise your hands - you're no longer bored,
It's all because of Branford.

Some say he's a tramp,
I say he's the champ.

(Oh yeah!) Don't walk away!
(Oh yeah!) What a display!
(Oh yeah!) You will adore,
(Oh yeah!) Busker Branford!

You gotta walk this way. You wanna see something cool?
Bring a bucket, large, for when you drool,
Clap and laugh and cheer and shout,
And be amazed - that's what he's all about,
He'll give you pleasure you've never had before,
You'll be wanting more and more,
He deserves a trophy, a prize award,
It's all because he's Branford.