Jack Russell

Published 2006-01-12

My newest game: "Jack Russell!"

[ Attention all cheaters, if you've cheated your score will be removed and you will be banned from submitting your score! You are lucky you still can play the game, since in the next games when you cheated on the highscores list you are banned from the GAME and never can play it again. Idiots ]

[ You need Flash Player 8 to play this game, if you don't have 8, you can't play! ]

// Almost real physics!
// Draw your own level!
// Over 20 levels to play!
// Submit your highscore!

*Phew* I finally finished the game. The hardest part of making it was
debugging it. I didn't got all bugs out but when you don't do weird stuff you won't see a bug. I'm sorry about the 'making walls' bug, if you make a wall for your dog to turn it might send him flying :(.

Thanks to PLDMbot I can track how many people viewed this over the whole web. Why I don't use Mochibot instead? Because with PLDMbot I can get an intregated highscore table! It's not for free but it's WAY better then Mochibot! PLDMbot is made by Gabriel Ochsenhofer.

The instructions on how the game functions are in the game. Please actually read the instructions otherwise you won't get it.

Kirby's Canvas Curve (The game for DS) gave me alot of inspiration to make this. Well, not that I actually own the game...or a DS (PSP OWNS!). But I get the point of the game.

Special thanks:
Syko227 for levels and priceless scripting help
Mom & Dad for keeping me on the project :P
Elmo, our dog. For the idea XD