Nim's Winter tale

Published 2005-05-03

This story is 8 minutes long and relies heavily upon mood and atmosphere, so if you are into blood, action and violence, be warned!
Hi there everyone! It took me well over an hour to find out how to change my comments here, I finally made it. First of all I would like to thank each and one of you who are writing reviews here. I have spent all day keeping updated and I am sorry I have not been able to answer any of your comments, it would just take the rest of my life. As this field has a restriction of max 4,096 characters I will take the opportunity to answer one frequent question. Why does Nim hang the key outside his door? This is some of the Swedish mentality, we have always believed in truthfulness. And if you can not trust a stranger that grabs the key from the hanger to enter your house, then who can you trust? Today, I am sad to say, this mentality is just a pale shadow of its former glory. But Nim still believes in it.
And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time and efforts, I do read all the posts, and I do listen to all kinds of criticism.
