Super Generic Quiz Game

Published 2004-05-18

Hrm. I see many people are having trouble with the game freezing, and I think I know what the problem is. Here's what I think is a temporary fix before I can put one in the game. Before you start the game, set the quality to low. That should help. I'll put in a better fix later.

I say things that I really don't mean. :-) SGQG, due to popular demand, is now in version 1.1. No new questions yet, but I fixed the Adam Sandler question as well as added keyboard shortcuts (hit A, B, C, or D for the answers and 1-5 for lifelines). The game now advances automatically so you don't have to hit space. :-)

Have fun, and please e-mail Wade or Tom or whoever's responsible, and let's get a good game on the front page!!