Folclórico Pacífico

Published 2023-06-12
Alcaldía de Barranquilla - Cumbia (2015)
"Folclórico Pacífico" refers to a genre of folk music and dance originating from the Pacific coast of Latin American countries, particularly those along the Pacific Ocean, such as Colombia and Ecuador. This vibrant and diverse genre incorporates a rich mix of indigenous, African, and Spanish influences, showcasing a tapestry of cultural expressions.

Just as African Rhythms influenced the creation of Rock & Roll in the United States, it also influenced a style of music in the Caribbean, known as Folclorico ('Traditional'), dance music.
----"Benkos Biohó was a slave who escaped from the Cartagena with ten others, and founded San Basilio de Palenque."

"The currulao is a musical rhythm, but above all, a Colombian folk dance native to the Pacific Region, whose variants can also be observed in regions of Ecuador. Traditionally it was known as BAMBUCO VIEJO, and it is a dance oriented towards courtship. Its origin is closely related to the Afro-descendant culture of the region. The word currulao refers to "Cununao", a word of African origin derived from cununos or drums, instruments deeply rooted and used in the Pacific Region.
As can be read on the website of the Colombian Ministry of National Education: “African musical traditions have been present on the Colombian coasts from the moment slave ships arrived in Cartagena de Indias. Before being enslaved and deprived of their freedom, the people of Africa had very complex systems of social organization and very diverse cultural practices. However, the slave trade fragmented the societies of the western African coast and American captivity had adverse effects on their survival, which made the cultural and sociopolitical reconstruction of the Africans landed in what is now Colombia very difficult. Since the 17th century, new languages of speech, music and dance appeared in all regions of the country where there were people of African origin. However, in each town this combination acquired special nuances. In the context of traditional music, the value of instrumental timbres was fundamental for the creation of a regional rhythm. The drum and percussion instruments are protagonists of Afro-Colombian music, and this African legacy to the culture of the Americas survived thanks to traditional African institutions, which kept in their memory the rhythms and music of their country, and transmitted their knowledge. from parents to children in very adverse conditions. Religious and political traditions arose around the drumbeats. In all Afro-Colombian communities in the country, music and musical instruments are used both in ritual contexts and in carnival festivities. For the Currulao dance, two different groups of instruments are used, depending on the area of the country in which it is danced. Currulao is a musical genre that is danced mainly in the Pacific region, although strictly speaking, it also refers to the folk dance of the Pacific region of Colombia. It is traditionally known as ancient bambuco, and is a dance oriented toward courtship. . Its origin is closely related to the African descendant culture of the region. The word currulao alludes to the word cununao, which is a reference to the drums of African origin that play an important role in the folklore of the Colombian Pacific region, the cununos." -Musicalafrolatino (7 August 2023): [El currulao o bambuco viejo, I parte, Pacífico colombiano, 1986.]

"The genus is found throughout the Colombian South Pacific area from the border with Chocó on the San Juan River through Buenaventura, in the Cauca Valley; Timbiquí and Guapi, in Cauca; Tumaco and Nariño ending in Esmeraldas, in the north of Ecuador. It has greater acceptance and recognition by Pacific musicians in Colombia, it is the representative tune of the music of the Colombian South Pacific and the marimba ensemble. As a dance, it is also called the mother dance, which is characterized by having clearly defined choreographies, harmonious and elegant turns in a delicate symbology of flirting. Currulao is a system composed of music, dance, gastronomy and celebration that fulfills social functions in the communities where it is developed. Unlike bunde, it is not related to expressions of a religious or mystical nature. Some of the popular sayings linked to the currulao are: ―bailarse una mano de currulao or ―zapateando un currulao, and song titles such as: Mamita me journeys the devil, Adiós por el hombre, Mirando and Mañana me voy de Guapi, among Others show the strong connection with everyday life. The Currulao seems to have its origin in an air that was performed with tradition in the old slave haciendas. Alejandro Ulloa proposes an interesting hypothesis by proposing that the currulao (Old Bambuco) and the Andean bambuco were born in the slave hacienda of Gran Cauca, like the same tune."

"Musicalafrolatino es un canal dedicado a promover la cultura musical popular y tradicional de Colombia y del Gran Caribe. Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Bogotá y nuestro propósito consiste fundamentalmente en socializar documentos audiovisuales que preserven la memoria de los grandes cultores y exponentes de nuestro patrimonio sonoro. Los  contenidos temáticos se centran en diversas actividades, conciertos, talleres, foros, clínicas, tutoriales, festivales, conferencias y todo lo relacionado con el quehacer musical.
Este canal estará en permanente actualización, es decir, se compartirá en lo posible material  original con imágenes de años anteriores y actualizadas, en consecuencia, los invitamos cordialmente para que se afilien y si lo consideran, pueden escribir sus observaciones y sugerencias de forma respetuosa y propositiva."
----"Oh my name it is nothin’
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I’s taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And that the land that I live in
Has God on its side

But now we got weapons
Of the chemical dust
If fire them we’re forced to
Then fire them we must
One push of the button
And a shot the world wide
And you never ask questions
When God’s on your side"
-Bob Dylan (1964)

----Also see:
[Simón Bolívar]
[African Diaspora][Benkos Biohó]
[San Basilio de Palenque]
Himnos de Fe


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----Rodríguez Brazón, Ana María. "Maduro ordena 'acción defensiva' en el Caribe ante llegada de buque británico a Guyana." El Tiempo, 28 Dec. 2023, 01:58 PM,
["El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ordenó este jueves una acción defensiva en el océano Atlántico en respuesta a la llegada de un buque de guerra británico a las costas de Guyana, lo que ha disparado nuevamente la tensión entre los países suramericanos que mantienen una disputa territorial.
'He ordenado la activación de una acción conjunta de toda la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB) sobre el Caribe oriental de Venezuela, sobre la fachada atlántica, una acción conjunta de carácter defensivo como respuesta a la provocación y a la amenaza del Reino Unido contra la paz y la soberanía de nuestro país', dijo el mandatario."
North American Alternative Force: Communique on HSI (FANA)