Daily life

Published 2023-06-12
Almighty God Says : " The temperature we just spoke of is something people can come into contact with in their daily lives. “The weather is pretty good today, 23 degrees Celsius. The weather is fine, the sky is clear, and the air is refreshing. Breathe in the fresh air. The sun is shining. Stretch under the sunlight. I’m in a good mood!” Or “Today’s weather is very cold. If you stick out your hands they will freeze immediately. It’s freezing, so don’t stay outside as long. Hurry up and come back, don’t get frozen!” Temperature is something all human bodies can sense, but no one thinks about how this temperature came about, or who is in charge of and controls this temperature that is suitable for human living. This is what we are getting to know now. Is there God’s wisdom in this? Is God’s deed in this? (Yes.) Considering that God created an environment with a temperature suitable for human living, is this one of the ways in which God supplies all things? It actually is. This shows that God’s supply and management of all things is truly practical!" Readmore : www.holyspiritspeaks.org/recital-god-himself-the-unique-v...

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/153103713@N04/35955293773
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