Wide World Music Hall Announcement

Published 2023-06-12
This praise of Ford tractors shows the $60,000 dollars worth of experiments and testing performed on the tractors, the details of their assembly and construction, and the international importance of these tractors. With "traditional" music of different geographical locations, the film flips between the images of the various men working with their tractors and seemingly simultaneously breaking to enjoy a meal with their women and children and their traditional beverage.Slow fade into the center of a tractor wheel A tractor with a driver, moving over speed bumps Tractors driving through fields, close-up shots of threshers and other machinery that they are pulling to plow the fields.Tractor covered in ice, icicles hanging off of it International Ford tractor signs fade into each other Executives sitting around a large wooden table, all in dark suits Aerial landscape of fields Ground pan of fields with a couple of cows in the distance close-up shots of tractor engines close-up pan of engine parts in a line against a red background A tractor driving quickly over a bumpy road and bouncing Sprinklers in a field Farmer pouring gasoline into a tractor from a large red gas can Close-up of the display instruments on a tractor Silhouettes of tractors against a red sky The production line -- tractor parts on conveyors Men in white coats working on engines in a line -- inspectors and supervisors with clipboards walk behind them Tractor parts moving through the mist of the "five stage acid bath" The camera lens gets covered over with paint sprayed by a man wearing an air mask.Highland Park plant, Michigan Antwerp, Belgium plant plant in Basilwood, England Birmington, Michigan German man driving a tractor in Germany, a Volkswagen Bug passes it on the street Man driving a tractor in France An Arab man drives a tractor An Englishman plowing a field A man driving a tractor through a French vineyard Close-up of a German clock, 11:00A woman and a little girl get into a Fiat Arab tractor driver waves to a little girl Close-up of large mug of beer, brought out by a waiter Coca-Cola being poured over ice The Arab man and girl sit on a blanket and eat together Close-up of a boy sitting in the back of a pickup truck, eating a chicken drumstick, with Coca-Cola bottles in front of him Man pouring wine at a French outdoor lunch table for a little girl and a woman