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About leapsplashafrog

Once upon a time the financial power base had been taken over by V who hired R and sons to control their private centralised banks.

As the top manager R became super rich through the 9/10th lending profit and got into oil wars to get valuable jewels around the world. V had already created big Corps called US and another called City of London after invading. But R got in with Z and things were a little wrong. They built more banks around the globe controlling the seas and kings. Big banks - Wissel, Goldman Sachs, jp Morgan, the fed and Bank of England.

Some say they are also into a dark light called luci.
It was written into a book and became a very famous story where a man called Akhenaton was very important.

We live in a control network spiritual/ religion; education editing, media fear based, financial private banking debt based and military dictatorship. They understand your mind better than you do.

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