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Manfred Koehler

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About Manfred Koehler

Ever have a chapter in your life where you lacked clarity, passion, reason-for-being? I sure have. That lack of motivation is killer to all things good in our joy, our aspirations, or even our relationships.

Any thoughtful person has huge questions here: What really motivates me? What slows me down? Why are my motivations forever changing? Good. Bad. Hot. Cold. Overheated. Conflicted. How can I control them?

For those of us who understand that life is more about forever, less about time, we should be asking this: How can I ignite and fuel my purest motivations to accomplish great things before I die? Worthy things. Things that will stand the test of eternity, rewarded with the words, "Well done."

Motivation. For. Eternity. That's the vision here.

Anything I learn, I want to pass it on. That's the clear goal, the new passion, the fresh reason-for-being: To light your motivation alongside mine.

Because He is worthy of our brightest flame.

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