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Información sobre MetalRainbow

My pronouns are not they/them. I just did that to upset the knuckle draggers that believe pronouns do not exist and / or they are not valid.


I am openly gay and yes, I do want a cookie. I love cookies. Thanks so much.

A person being LGBTQ does not affect your life or anyone else's. Including your children because we are born LGBTQ and find out at puberty just like you found out you were straight.

Also, heterosexual men commit the majority of ALL sexual crimes. Statistics show that 93% of all victims of SA are female. This includes children. Do the math.

It is not a choice, and no one wants to live life in hard mode. No one wants to be born into a marginalized group. It's not playing victim. It's simply reality, but I know homophobic/transphobic "people" do not have a grasp on reality.

A minority group gaining the same rights you already have is not a threat to your rights, obviously. You are not being persecuted. You are assholes.


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