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Información sobre AntPDC

GentIe Viewer,

I enjoy all music from Bach to the Beatles. I usually use my own photography for my slideshow music videos. Sometimes I include videos, paintings and other art, not by me, but I share them with much enthusiasm.

My Channel isn't monetised, but I do not object to adverts because I use copyrighted music and recordings (which I have nevertheless purchased in various formats where possible). Short of no Channel content at all, advertising seems to be a fair, if imperfect, quid pro quo - a means of giving back, to composers, musicians and companies.

I respect copyright owners' property, and stand ready to remove content on request. No need to punish me with a Copyright Strike.

I hope you enjoy your visit, find pleasure here, and make new discoveries. The real stars here are the composers, musicians and other featured artists.

My best wishes,


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