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Roving Punster

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Roving Punsterの説明

I'm a polymathic autodidact, a ret'd aerospace quality assurance engineer, science geek, and DIY enthusiast. I've dabbled in diverse hobbies (partial list): zymurgia, global cuisine, sourdough, microgreens, sailing, fishing, medieval weapons, writing, gaming, etc. I'm also a cancer survivor. In my spare time I study new skills, follow various scientific advances, explore international literary & cinematic classics, and (as health permits) indulging my DIY urges.

Every day above ground is a good day. We need to be in the moment, sponsor knowledge, tolerance & creativity, and be good friends to each other on this too-short journey.

Avatar: Key/motto of Phi Beta Kappa Nat'l Honor Society (ΦΒΚ) = "Φιλοσοφία Βίου Κυβερνήτης" (gr: "Love of learning is the guide of life").

Banner Picture: Sourdough boule crust closeup.

DISAMBIGUATION (ISIS): My PSN usertag "ISI-Society" refers to the "151 Society", which has nothing to do with the "Islamic State of Iraq & Syria".

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