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Mckensy Long

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Mckensy Longの説明

My name is Mckensy Long and thank you for vising my channel!

I'm a 38 year old financial professional. For the past 10 years I've run an agency and mentored thousands of families on how to live a wealthy life. My wife now works along side me!

Before that, I spent my life in Mechanical Engineering, racing and flipping cars. I've always worked hard, so money was never hard to make. However 28 years into life I was: unmarried, broke, in physical pain, working around the clock. My body was breaking down and I wasn't as far in life as I thought I would be. Faith, family, wealth, health and fun seemed like they were out of reach. Life was dark.

I realized that if my body was going to break down, I needed to start working smart. I decided to learn how to live a wealth life. I found the principles and decided to share them so you do not have to make the mistakes I did.

I hope you get a TON of value from this channel! I would like to connect with you and mentor in anyway that I can.

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